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Introduction to the Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program

In order to supplement the industry workforce on April 30, 2022, the Ministry of Labor officially implemented the “Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program.” This applies to industries that already hire foreign workers, including manufacturing industry, slaughterhouse industry, construction industry, the agriculture and long-term care sector, allowing the retention of workers who have worked in Taiwan for 6 years or more, or overseas Chinese and foreign students who have obtained an associate degree or higher from an educational institution in Taiwan, who meet salary condition eligibility and the required skill level, with employers applying for them to be re-designated intermediate skilled foreign workers. There is no limit to the number of years an intermediate skilled foreign workers can work in Taiwan, they receive a higher salary, have a more advanced skill level and are not required to pay an employment security fee. After working for a further five years, such individuals can also apply for permanent residency.

Intermediate skilled foreign workers continue to receive labor and health insurance protections and if in the future industry category intermediate skilled foreign workers to whom the provisions of the Labor Standards Act apply retire in Taiwan the old labor pension system applies. After an employer applies for a foreign worker to be re-designated an intermediate skilled worker, permission will be given to retain the needed number of personnel with the requisite skill level. In addition, the employer is also permitted to apply to recruit the same number of new foreign workers as the number of original foreign workers re-designated intermediate skilled foreign workers. As such, the increase in the number of foreign workers hired by an employer also helps to alleviate employment needs.

Press release:


Detail :

According to Article 53 and Article 59 of the Employment Service Act, foreign mid-level technical workers may switch to another employer or job within the validity of the current employment permit for reasons that the foreign workers should not be held responsible. The procedure for mid-level technical workers in switching employer shall be the same as migrant workers switching employers currently in effect. 

  • Release date :2023/03/21
  • Update date :2023/03/28

Detail :

Yes. If the mid-level technical worker is approved for switching employer or job, the application procedure and required documents for applicable shall be the same as for migrant workers.

  • Release date :2023/03/21
  • Update date :2023/03/28

Detail :

It should be the same category of works but may switch to jobs in other industries if following conditions are satisfied: 

(I) Eligibility of foreigners for employment: foreigners should meet the review standard in qualifying for the type of works in the employment. 

(II) Eligibility of employers for renewal of employment: in the renewal for employment of foreigners by employers, the foreigners to be employed should meet the qualification requirement of the job. 

(III) Switching procedure: the foreigner in point should register at the public employment service institutions for switching, and there is no employer registered for employment for the same category of works in 14 consecutive days. Then the employers in other category of work may renew the employment of the foreigner. 

  • Release date :2023/03/21
  • Update date :2023/03/28

Detail :

Yes. The duration of the foreigner in engagement in mid-level technical work shall not be longer than the required period specified in Article 52 of the Employment Service Act in accumulation.

  • Release date :2023/03/28
  • Update date :2023/03/31

Detail :

Employers of renewed employment should present related documents within 15 days after obtaining the document for proof of renewed employment to apply with the Ministry of Labor for the issuance of permit for renewal of employment.

  • Release date :2023/04/12
  • Update date :2023/04/12

Detail :


1. Employers are not required to apply for recruitment permit for employing mid-level technical workers, and only the candidates in the 2nd level or 4th level of priority are required for registration of employment renewal. In other words, this requirement is not applicable to those under the 1st, 3rd, and 5th level of priority. 
2. Comply with the “AF-09 Application for Employment of Foreigners by Employers”, present related materials by the type of works to be engaged in and send the application to the public employment service center to apply for employment renewal registration. 

  • Release date :2023/04/12
  • Update date :2023/04/12

Detail :

It is not necessary.In applying for the renewed employment of mid-level technical workers, the employers should present the documents for proof of the qualification of the foreigners to be employed in conformity to the requirement of the central competent authority, and proceed to register for renewal of employment or trilateral (bilateral) agreement on renewal of employment. For employment in other industries, other requirements should be observed. 

  • Release date :2023/03/21
  • Update date :2023/03/28

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Proceed with the standard for switching and the ratio or number requirement for the employer in employment of foreigners.For example: An employer in manufacturing applies for 5 foreigners in engagement of mid-level technical work for this time and the approve ratio of migrant worker is 20% and 5% for mid-level technical workers. There are 100 persons being applied for coverage of labor insurance. The employer has employed 8 foreigners and has obtained permit for recruitment of 3 persons, and may apply for permit of renewed employment or employment for filling vacancies for 2 persons. Quota already revoked in the last 2 years not because of the fault of the employer and the employer has employed 35 professional technical workers.In this case, the employer may only recruit 2 foreigners for engagement in mid-level technical work.

  • Release date :2023/04/12
  • Update date :2023/04/12

Detail :

Yes. Employers should report to the local competent authority for the renewed employment of foreign mid-level technical workers by designated deadline. 

  • Release date :2022/06/29
  • Update date :2023/03/24

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According to the Employment Service Act, employers may employ mid-level technical workers for up to 3 years. If the employers renew the employment of the foreigners previously approved for engagement in construction work, the duration of renewed employment should be the remainder of the term of employment of the foreigners previously approved. 

  • Release date :2023/04/12
  • Update date :2023/04/12

Detail :

Yes. The announced level of salaries under Article 63 of the Review Standard indicated that the regular salaries for overseas Chinese students or foreign student employed as intermediate skilled worker for the first time should be NT$30,000, and NT$33,000 for renewed employment. If the overseas Chinese students or foreign students employed as intermediate skilled worker not for the first time, the original employer or new employer shall pay NT$33,000 as the regular salaries. 

  • Release date :2023/04/12
  • Update date :2023/04/12