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Introduction to the Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program

In order to supplement the industry workforce on April 30, 2022, the Ministry of Labor officially implemented the “Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program.” This applies to industries that already hire foreign workers, including manufacturing industry, slaughterhouse industry, construction industry, the agriculture and long-term care sector, allowing the retention of workers who have worked in Taiwan for 6 years or more, or overseas Chinese and foreign students who have obtained an associate degree or higher from an educational institution in Taiwan, who meet salary condition eligibility and the required skill level, with employers applying for them to be re-designated intermediate skilled foreign workers. There is no limit to the number of years an intermediate skilled foreign workers can work in Taiwan, they receive a higher salary, have a more advanced skill level and are not required to pay an employment security fee. After working for a further five years, such individuals can also apply for permanent residency.

Intermediate skilled foreign workers continue to receive labor and health insurance protections and if in the future industry category intermediate skilled foreign workers to whom the provisions of the Labor Standards Act apply retire in Taiwan the old labor pension system applies. After an employer applies for a foreign worker to be re-designated an intermediate skilled worker, permission will be given to retain the needed number of personnel with the requisite skill level. In addition, the employer is also permitted to apply to recruit the same number of new foreign workers as the number of original foreign workers re-designated intermediate skilled foreign workers. As such, the increase in the number of foreign workers hired by an employer also helps to alleviate employment needs.

Press release:


Detail :

The President gave instruction after the convention of the “New Southbound Policy Special Review Conference” on July 9 2021, with the establishment of the “5 Ministers Meeting on  Population Vitalization and Immigration Policy” on August 12 2021 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education, Overseas Chinese Affairs Council and the Ministry of Labor to the invitation of National Development Council. Three task forces have also been established for the advocacy of “Intensification of the Recruitment of Professional Talents from Overseas”, “Intensification of Attracting and Keeping Overseas Chinese Students and Foreign Students”, and “Study on the Keeping of Foreign Technical Personnel” with relevant actions plans. 
Prospective candidates among the foreign technical personnel include overseas Chinese students and foreign students who have earned associate bachelor degree and above, and engaged in mid-level technical duties. Foreign workers who are under age 30 and employed under subparagraphs 8-10 of paragraph 1 under Article 46 of the Employment Service Act (hereinafter referred to as “migrant workers”) are encourage to go for the associate bachelor degree. Upon graduation, they may choose to stay in Taiwan for engagement in specialized technical work or mid-level technical work. Migrant workers who have been employed in Taiwan for 6 full years may convert their identity for engagement in mid-level technical work. 
The shortage of mid-level technical workers intensified in Taiwan year after year (in 2021, there was labor shortage of more than 130,000 people). The situation was exacerbated in the competing recruitment and keeping good quality foreign technical workers in neighboring countries. On February 17 2022, the Executive Yuan approved the “Keeping Good Quality Migrant Workers for Long-term Employment Scheme” studied and prepared by the Ministry of Labor, and agreed to unfold the “Keeping Foreign Mid-Level Technical Personnel Scheme” thereby open the opportunity for qualified migrant workers, overseas Chinese students and foreign students to engage in mid-level technical work in Taiwan while assuring employment opportunity for the local population. There is also no requirement of years of seniority with a view to filling in the labor shortage gap in the shortest possible time by the good quality and well-seasoned foreign technical personnel. 

  • Release date :2022/06/14
  • Update date :2022/06/14