
內容 :


一、申請認可應檢附下列文件(請依序排列) Required documentation for recognition (please organize in order) :
1.本申請書(私業許表 P-1) Original of this application form。
Copy of the permit of employment service issued by the government in the home country along with Chinese translation version。
3.最近 2 年無違反當地國勞工法令證明文件及其中譯本。
Certificate of clear record on labor related law in the home country within two years along with Chinese translation version。
Fee of NT$2,000 (please purchase the postal money order in the post office in the ROC, the receiver is:勞動部勞動力發展署 (Chinese only)

二、注意事項:前項附件除審查費以外,均需由申請人當地國法院或公證人之公 證,並經中華民國駐當地國代表處驗證。
Note: This application form and associated documentation must be duly notarized by a court or Notary Public in the home country, and approved by the local ROC representative office in that country. 

  • 發佈日期 :2022/01/01
  • 更新日期 :2023/06/07

內容 :


一、申請認可應檢附下列文件(請依序排列):Required documentation for recognition(please organize in order) :
1.本申請書(私業許表 P-2) Original of this application form 。
Copy of the permit of employment service issued by the government in the home country along with Chinese translation version。
3.審查費新臺幣250元(請購買中華民國之郵局匯票繳交,受款人為「勞動部勞動力發展署」) 。
Fee of NT$250 (please purchase the postal money order in the post office in t he ROC, the receiver is:「勞動部勞動力發展署」 (Chinese only).

二、注意事項: 本申請書及附件均需由申請人當地國法院或公證人之公證,並經中華民國駐當地國代表處驗證。
Note: This application form and associated documentation must be duly notarized by a court or Notary Public in the home country of the agency making application, and approved by the local ROC representative office in that country. 

  • 發佈日期 :2022/01/01
  • 更新日期 :2023/06/07
  • 發佈日期 :2023/06/07
  • 更新日期 :2023/06/07