Public transportation etiquette-Taking a train-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


標題:Public transportation etiquette-Taking a train


▍Public transportation etiquette-Taking a train

Whenever taking a train observe the following points:

Stand behind the yellow line when waiting for a train-When waiting on the platform for a train, always stand behind the yellow line and pay attention to the direction of arriving trains to avoid danger.

Allow passengers to disembark before boarding the train-Adhering to this principle ensures passengers first disembark which makes it easier for those boarding the train to do so in an orderly manner, while giving priority to those who need it.

Do not lean on the door when the train is moving-Do not lean on doors when the train is in motion, avoid the danger caused by train doors suddenly opening and closing.

Do not stand in the area between train carriages-Do not hang about in the area between train carriages to ensure you do not block the movement of other passengers or endanger your own safety.

Observing passenger etiquette, makes for a safer and more comfortable journey