Be aware that posting pictures of your employer online is illegal-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


標題:Be aware that posting pictures of your employer online is illegal


▍Be aware that posting pictures of your employer online is illegal

A: I want to upload a picture of myself and the grandma I look after to the internet and share it with friends. Is that ok?

B:If you get the agreement of the person being photographed then there is no problem, but if you take a photo or video footage without permission and post that online it could violate the portrait rights or right to privacy of other individuals.

Remember, “ taking a photograph or video footage of an individual and posting it online” could be a violation of the criminal code and is punishable by a maximum penalty of 3 years in jail or a fine of NT$300,000.