LINE@移點通-拍攝雇主當心犯法!Po網行不行?【拍攝雇主Po網行不行?】-多國語言版-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊







提醒您,在 「未經許可下拍攝影像或照片,並散布至網路上」恐違反刑法,最重將處 3年徒刑 或 新臺幣30萬元罰金


▍Be aware that posting pictures of your employer online is illegal

A: I want to upload a picture of myself and the grandma I look after to the internet and share it with friends. Is that ok?

B:If you get the agreement of the person being photographed then there is no problem, but if you take a photo or video footage without permission and post that online it could violate the portrait rights or right to privacy of other individuals.

Remember, “ taking a photograph or video footage of an individual and posting it online” could be a violation of the criminal code and is punishable by a maximum penalty of 3 years in jail or a fine of NT$300,000.


▍Bolehkah Memotret Majikan dan Mengunggahnya di Internet? Hati-hati Pelanggaran Hukum!

A:Saya ingin mengunggah foto saya bersama nenek di internet berbagi dengan teman-teman, apakah boleh?

B:Jika sebelumnya telah mendapat izin orang yang difoto maka tidak masalah, tetapi jika foto atau video yang diambil tanpa izin dan mengunggahnya ke internet, dikhawatirkan hal tersebut melanggar hak foto dan hak privasi pihak lain!

Menginggatkan Anda, dalam situasi “ mengambil video atau foto dan mengunggahnya ke internet tanpa mendapatkan izin dari orang bersangkutan” dikhawatirkan hal ini melanggar hukum pidana, dan akan dihukum paling berat 3 tahun penjara atau didenda NT$300.000


▍Chụp ảnh chủ thuê Đăng tải lên mạng xã hội có được không? Coi chừng vi phạm pháp luật!

A:Tôi muốn đăng ảnh chụp chung với bà cụ lên mạng xã hội để chia sẻ với bạn bè. Có được làm như thế không?

B:Nếu bạn được sự đồng ý của người được chụp ảnh thì không có vấn đề gì. Nhưng nếu bạn chụp ảnh hoặc quay video mà không được phép rồi tung lên mạng, như thế là xâm phạm quyền hình ảnh và quyền riêng tư của người khác.

Xin nhắc nhở, việc “ chụp ảnh hoặc quay video mà không được phép và phát tán trên Internet” có thể vi phạm luật hình sự, sẽ bị phạt tối đa 3 năm tù hoặc phạt tiền 300.000 Đài tệ.


▍ถ่ายรูปนายจ้างโพสต์บนสื่อโซเชียล ได้หรือไม่?ระวังละเมิดกฎหมาย!


B:หากผ่านการยินยอมจากผู้ที่ถูกถ่ายก็ไม่มีปัญหา แต่กรณีนำคลิปหรือรูปถ่ายผู้อื่นโพสต์บนสื่อโซเชียลโดยไม่ผ่านการยินยอมอาจเป็นการละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์รูปถ่ายและสิทธิส่วนบุคคล!

ขอเตือนท่านว่าการแชร์คลิปหรือรูปภาพบนสื่อโซเชียลโดยไม่ได้รับการยินยอมอาจเป็นการละเมิดกฎหมายอาญาต้องระวางโทษจำคุก 3 ปี หรือปรับ 300,000 เหรียญไต้หวัน