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▍Care work classroom-How to use an air mattress

An air mattress enables individuals who are unable to turn over unassisted, or those who are confined to bed for a long period, to lie in such a way that their weight is evenly distributed. This prevents too much pressure being placed on certain areas resulting in pressure ulcers. It also effectively helps to relieve the burden placed on care workers.

What precautions need to be taken when using an air mattress?

•Make sure the air duct operates smoothly and is not being pressed down on. An air mattress that cannot be inflated normally loses its efficacy.

•If the air mattress air duct separates from the main body, the mattress will leak air. 

•Do not allow the care recipient to get up alone to ensure he or she does not lose their balance and fall as a result of the edge of the mattress deflating.


▍Kelas bimbingan perawatan-Hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat pemakaian kasur anti dekubitus

Bagi yang tidak bisa membalikkan badan sendiri atau pasien lumpuh berbaring lama di ranjang, kasur anti dekubitus dapat berfungsi meratakan tekanan tubuh, mengurangi tekanan pada bagian tubuh tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan luka ulkus dekubitus dan efektif meringankan tekanan tubuh pasien.

Akan tetapi saat pemakaian, hal apa sajakah yang perlu diperhatikan?

•Perlu memerhatikan apakah aliran udara lancar atau tersumbat, apabila aliran udara tidak normal maka kasur dekubitus tidak berfungsi dengan sebagaimana mestinya

•Apabila pengait kompesor terlepas maka dapat menyebabkan kasur anti dekubitus mengempis.

•Jangan membiarkan pasien bangun sendiri dari kasurnya, karena bagian pinggir kasur akan menurun dan berkemungkinan bisa menyebabkan pasien kehilangan keseimbangan dan terjatuh


▍Lớp học chăm sóc-Những lưu ý khi sử dụng giường hơi

Nệm hơi có thể phân bổ đều áp lực lên cơ thể của những người không thể tự trở mình hoặc nằm liệt giường trong thời gian dài, chống loét do áp lực liên tục tại chỗ, đồng thời có thể giảm bớt gánh nặng cho người chăm sóc một cách hiệu quả.

Nhưng khi sử dụng, chúng ta cần chú ý điều gì?

•Hãy chú ý xem ống dẫn khí trơn tru hay bị nén. Việc không cung cấp khí bình thường sẽ khiến đệm hơi mất hiệu quả.

•Ống dẫn khí của đệm hơi rơi ra khỏi bộ phận chính khiến đệm hơi bị xì.

•Tránh để người được chăm sóc ngồi dậy một mình để tránh bị ngã do mất cân bằng bởi mép giường hơi bị lún xuống.



ที่นอนลมช่วยรับและกระจายแรงกดทับจากร่างกายของผู้ป่วยที่ไม่สามารถพลิกตัวเองได้หรือผู้ป่วยติดเตียง ป้องกันแผลกดทับและช่วยลดภาระของผู้ดูแลได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ

อย่างไรก็ดี ในระหว่างการใช้งาน มีข้อควรระวังอะไรบ้างนะ?

•หมั่นสังเกตว่าท่อลมไหลผ่านสะดวกหรือถูกกดทับหรือไม่ หากลมไม่สามารถไหลผ่านได้จะทำให้ที่นอนลมไม่เกิดประสิทธิภาพในการรักษา

•ท่อลมหลุดจากตัวเครื่องปั๊ม ทำให้ลมรั่ว
