

標題:Do you have a mental health fever?The emotional thermometer measuresan individual’s emotional state


▍Do you have a mental health fever?The emotional thermometer measuresan individual’s emotional state

Think about the past week (including today) and answer honestly the following questions about the degree of difficulty you experienced in various scenarios

Simple health scale


Did you experience sleeping difficulties, problems falling asleep or are easily woken up?
0 1 2 3 4
Did you feel nervous or uneasy?
0 1 2 3 4
Were you easily troubled or angry?
0 1 2 3 4
Did you feel melancholic or emotionally low?
0 1 2 3 4
Did you feel other people are better than you?
0 1 2 3 4
Have you had suicidal thoughts?
0 1 2 3 4

Total score results

•0-5: Physical and mental health are fine

•6-9: Slight emotional distress; talk to friends to let off steam and express your emotions

•10-14:Moderate emotional distress; it is recommended you seek out professional help such as psychological counseling

•>15: Severe emotional distress requiring a high level of care and attention; it is recommended you undergo psychiatric treatment and professional counseling

Regardless of how you answered the first five questions, if you have had suicidal thoughts and your score for that question is 2 or higher it is recommended you undergo psychiatric treatment and professional counseling.

If you experience mental health issues call the 1925 Mental Health Support Service Hotline. If you require an interpreter call the 1955 Hotline for assistance.