多一分留心 少一點傷害
1.氣體監測-監測氧氣濃度、 有無毒氣
▍Work safety classroom -safety regulations in confined spaces
Pay attention, reduce injuries
Working in a tank, underground pipeline or other confined space is often risky and as such it is especially important to observe relevant safety measures
1.Gas monitoring-Monitor oxygen concentration and whether there are any toxic gases
2.Ventilation-There should be continuous ventilation when working
3.Rescue equipment-There should be access to emergency rescue equipment, including a power or machine-assisted hoist
▍Kelas Keselamatan Kerja-Pedoman keselamatan kerja di ruang terbatas
Lebih berhati-hati, lebih sedikit risiko
Bekerja di ruang terbatas seperti tangki atau pipa bawah tanah kerapkali disertai risiko, oleh karena itu harus lebih memerhatikan keselamatan kerja.
1.Pengujian udara-Menguji kadar konsentrasi udara, kontaminan udara beracun
2.Aliran udara-Sistem aliran udara secara terus menerus selama bekerja
3.Peralatan penyelamant-Peralatan penyelamat darurat mesin bantuan atau penambahan kekuatan pengangkatan
▍Phòng học An toàn lao động-Quy tắc an toàn trong không gian hạn chế
Luôn chú ý để giảm thiểu tổn thương xảy ra
Làm việc trong không gian hạn chế như bể chứa, đường ống ngầm, thường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro, vì vậy cần đặc biệt lưu ý các biện pháp đảm bảo an toàn
1.Giám sát khí gas-Theo dõi nồng độ oxy và sự hiện diện của khí độc.
2.Thông gió-Cần được thông gió liên tục trong quá trình làm việc.
3.Thiết bị cứu hộ-Cần chuẩn bị thiết bị cứu hộ khẩn cấp như thiết bị nâng phụ trợ điện hoặc cơ khí.
เพิ่มความระมัดระวัง ลดการบาดเจ็บลงได้
การทำงานในพื้นที่อับอากาศ อาทิ บ่อพักหรือท่อระบายน้ำใต้ดิน มักมีความเสี่ยง ดังนั้นต้องใส่ใจมาตรการความปลอดภัย
3.อุปกรณ์ช่วยชีวิต-จัดให้มีอุปกรณ์ช่วยเหลือฉุกเฉิน อาทิ รอกไฟฟ้าหรือรอกโยกโซ่