LINE@移點通-出勤紀錄應覈實記載【雇主可否更改勞工的出勤紀錄】-多國語言版-宣導品-宣導專區-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊





雇主說臺灣法規有規定勞工最多只能 1 個月只能加班 46 小時,因此要我們先打卡後再繼續工作,我可以拒絕嗎?

出勤紀錄是認定工時及工資的基礎,直接影響勞工權益,若雇主要求勞工偽造出勤紀錄就是違反法令,可向 1955 專線提出申訴喔。



▎A foreign worker’s attendance record should be accurately verified

My employer said that in Taiwan the law allows foreign workers to work a maximum of 46 hours overtime per month. He told me to clock off but just keep working, can I refuse?

A worker’s attendance record is the basis on which work time and salary are determined and as such has a direct impact on worker’s rights. It is illegal for an employer to ask a foreign worker to fabricate his or her attendance record. In the event of such a situation, file a complaint with the 1955 hotline.



▎Catatan Kehadiran Harus Dicatat Sesuai Fakta

Majikan mengatakan bahwa peraturan di Taiwan mengatur para pekerja dalam 1 bulan hanya boleh lembur maksimal 46 jam saja, maka dari itu meminta kami untuk melakukan absensi barulah kami dapat lanjut bekerja. Apakah saya bisa menolak?

Catatan Kehadiran adalah dasar guna menentukan jam kerja dan upah,

yang secara langsung memengaruhi hak-hak pekerja. Apabila majikan meminta pekerja untuk memalsukan catatan kehadiran, maka itu merupakan pelanggaran hukum dan Anda dapat melaporkannya ke saluran khusus 1955.



▎Bảng chấm công phải được ghi rõ và đúng

Chủ thuê cho biết, Đài Loan có quy định rằng, người lao động chỉ được làm thêm tối đa 46 giờ trong một tháng, vì vậy chủ muốn chúng tôi phải quẹt thẻ chấm công trước, sau đó mới tiếp tục làm việc, tôi có thể từ chối không?

Bảng chấm công là một căn cứ ghi lại số giờ làm việc để

tính lương, trực tiếp ảnh hưởng đến quyền lợi của người lao động.Nếu chủ thuê yêu cầu người lao động làm giả bảng chấm công là vi phạm pháp luật, có thể gọi đến đường dây nóng 1955 để khiếu nại.




นายจ้างบอกว่ากฎหมายไต้หวันกำหนดให้แรงงานทำงานล่วงเวลาได้เดือนละไม่เกิน 46 ชั่วโมง ดังนั้นนายจ้างจึงให้พวกเราตอกบัตรเลิกงานก่อนแล้วค่อยกลับไปทำงานต่อ ฉันสามารถปฏิเสธได้หรือไม่?

บันทึกเวลาเข้าและออกงานเป็นสิ่งที่ใช้ยืนยันเวลาทำงานและค่าจ้างมีผลโดยตรงต่อสิทธิประโยชน์ของแรงงาน หากนายจ้างเรียกร้องให้ทำบันทึกปลอมถือว่าละเมิดกฎหมายสามารถร้องเรียนได้ที่สายด่วน 1955