
It is suggested people should have their temperature taken at entrances and exits, while also having their travel history, occupation, contact history and potential cluster involvement recorded (TOCC). This includes their movements, places stayed for more than 15 minutes, public transport used and people encountered when they have time off work.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Foreign workers who go out during their time off should have their travel history, occupation, contact history and potential cluster involvement recorded (TOCC). This includes their movements, places stayed for more than 15 minutes, public transport used and people encountered when not at work, as well as monitoring their health status.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Foreign workers who go out during their time off should have their travel history, occupation, contact history and potential cluster involvement recorded (TOCC). This includes their movements, places stayed for more than 15 minutes, public transport used and people encountered when not at work, as well as monitoring their health status.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Whether foreign workers go out should adhere to CECC regulations. For example, under the provisions of the nationwide COVID-19 Level 3 alert unnecessary trips outdoors should be avoided and when outdoor a face mask must be worn at all times.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Employers should provide leisure and entertainment equipment to meet the needs of foreign workers. They should also facilitate video gatherings or exchanges to where possible help workers avoid attending various activities. They should also help workers buy food, daily necessities and pandemic prevention supplies to reduce their need to go outdoors.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

In accordance with labor laws or the provisions of the labor contract employers have to give foreign workers time off, but should try and avoid large numbers of workers taking the same day off. Under the provisions of the nationwide COVID-19 Level 3 alert unnecessary trips outdoors should be avoided. If a foreign worker has to observe home quarantine/isolation in concert with the competent health authority, he or she must be given quarantine leave and instructed to remain indoors and not go to work, in accordance with the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12


  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/10/08

In accordance with the COVID-19 alert level standards, after finishing work avoid gathering in groups and on returning home remove your face mask and immediately wash your hands and disinfect. Wipe your keys, cell phone, and other items carried on your person with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or disinfectant. Remove the clothes you wore to work without shaking them, wash them in a timely manner and maintain cleanliness. Ensure the indoor environment remains ventilated and clean.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12


  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/10/08

When seeking medical attention wear a medical grade face mask at all times, avoid traveling on public transport and visiting places where there are a lot of people. Select a hospital and pre-register to avoid spending a long time in the waiting room. Please cooperate with the hospital survey, specifically be sure to inform them of your travel history or time spent living in any high risk pandemic areas.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Eat at different times to avoid groups of people. Take your mask off to eat only at the last moment, wash your hands both before and after eating, do not talk while eating and do not share food.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

1. Take your temperature, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to thoroughly clean your hands before entering the workplace. If you have multiple temperature measurements above 37.5℃ do not go to work. Stay at home, rest, monitor your condition and if necessary seek medical attention at a hospital. 2. Keep the workplace environment clean and ventilated. People should maintain a distance of more than 1m, thoroughly wash your hands, keep hydrated, and be sure to wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

1. Wear a face mask at all times when outdoors 2. Avoid peak signing on and signing off times and maintain a distance of at least 1.5m from other people. 3. Take your temperature every day and if it is above 38℃ and you feel ill, do not go to work and inform your employer and labor broker.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

Where possible avoid using public transport, walk and maintain a distance from strangers. If public transport has to be used then wear a face mask at all times and avoid touching anything on the bus with your hands. Try to ensure there is an empty seat next to you, sit or stand alone and prepare disinfectant to wash your hands.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12

1. Wear a face mask, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer and a thermometer 2. Ensure indoor ventilation and regularly disinfect the area. 3. Reduce family gatherings, avoid going outdoors and if you do go out wear a face mask at all times.

  • Release date :2021/08/11
  • Update date :2021/08/12