Migrant Workers One-Stop Services: Caring for Employers and Migrant Workers to Perfectly Prevent and Combat Scams-活動快報-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


活動訊息:Migrant Workers One-Stop Services: Caring for Employers and Migrant Workers to Perfectly Prevent and Combat Scams


Due to language barriers and unfamiliarity with Taiwan’s law and regulations, migrant workers have lately become the targets of scam rings. Scammers claim that they can help migrant workers change employers or offer migrant workers well-paid easy jobs and ask for related service fees and block out the victims once the fees are paid. Through establishing the Migrant Workers One-Stop Services Center, the Workforce Development Administration (WDA) of the Ministry of Labor (MOL) offers comprehensive training aimed at preventing and combating scams targeted at migrant workers. Through the e-learning courseware supported by instruction from bilingual instructors, WDA aims to strengthen migrant workers’ ability to prevent scams. A follow-up mechanism post-training continues to help migrant workers perfectly prevent and combat scams.

To prevent migrant workers from believing that scam rings can help them change employers, personnel under the Migrant Workers One-Stop Services Center help migrant workers join the LINE@E-LINE group and personally encourage them to take on personalized one-on-one push services. During training and depending on the nationality of migrant workers, the Center sends one to four supervisors for each class to keep track on the learning status of and provide guidance and life management services for migrant workers, as well as design post-training evaluation to review the migrant workers’ learning efficacy. From January 2023 to May 2024, a total of 63,755 migrant workers received inbound training through the Services Center, and there was no remedial training for migrant workers carried out as all migrant workers passing the training. In the post-training interview, many migrant workers stated that the information provided by the training could help them raise the alert in the first instance upon receiving a scam when working in Taiwan, so as to escape the scam. According to Indonesian caregiver S, she met another migrant worker on the internet who claimed to be a compatriot of her and attracted her with a well-pay easy job. However, she was asked to pay a service fee first. Thanks to training on scam prevention, she immediately refused the offer and avoided becoming a scam victim.

Upon completion of training, the Center interviews employers by phone at random and distribute questionnaires to migrant workers over LINE@E-LINE to inquire migrant workers about the difficulties they face at work or in the daily life. If assistance is required, either employers or migrant workers can call the 1955 case referral hotline. Through this mechanism, cases will be referred to the local governments for provision of assistance so as to strengthen the protection of rights and interests of both employers and migrant workers.

In the face of ever-changing scam methods, WDA continuously updates its scam prevention training materials (case study). Apart from enhancing supervision during training, WDA also combines follow-up mechanisms including LINE@E-LINE and Migrant Workers One-Stop Services Center phone interview to help promote scam prevention to migrant workers, enhance their awareness towards scam prevention, and enrich their knowledge in scam methods so as to help them combat scams.