Preventing dummy accounts(3)-活動快報-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


活動訊息:Preventing dummy accounts(3)


▎Preventing dummy accounts

By allowing someone else to use your bank account you run the risk of being an accomplice to fraud or money laundering


Lina came to Taiwan to work as a caregiver and met on Facebook a foreign worker who called himself Jojo and claimed to be a fellow countryman. During their conversations Jojo says that he has not yet opened a bank account in Taiwan but really needs somewhere for his family to remit money. He asks to use Lina’s account, promising to hand it back as soon as he receives the money. Lina, trusting Jojo and never confirming his identity, hands over her bank passbook, ATM card and password.

After taking control of Lina’s bank passbook, ATM card and password, Jojo and a scam gang defraud A-hai, who is tricked into remitting money to the account. On learning he has been deceived, A-hai reports the incident to the police and they find that the account belongs to Lina. After Lina is indicted by prosecutors the court finds that by letting others use her account she is guilty of aiding and abetting fraud and money laundering and sentences her to 2 months in jail.


Jojo claims to not have his own bank account and asks to use someone else’s account to receive and withdraw money. In such a situation, it is highly likely any remittances are the product of fraud or other illegal activities.

By providing an account that was used to receive remittances from fraudulent activities Lina is legally an accomplice of the scam gang and guilty of aiding and abetting fraud and violations of the Money laundering Prevention Act.

Source: Ministry of Justice