Establish a foreign worker care center mechanism-活動快報-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


活動訊息:Establish a foreign worker care center mechanism


Establish a foreign worker care center mechanism
1. Send interpreters to assist with pandemic control surveys
2. Send personnel to factories to ensure the number of foreign workers in dormitories is reduced
3. Make telephone calls to quarantined foreign workers in their mother tongue to make sure they are okay.
4. Visit and call to check up on foreign workers who are resting at home because their place of work has been shut down. Produce regular radio programming recorded in their mother tongue to keep them informed and reassured.
5. Provide foreign workers with pandemic prevention packages
(thermometer, face mask, disinfectant products, and details on how to find related information using the 1955 Hotline and 1955 E-line).