I get to decide how I am going to enjoy my holiday!-活動快報-外國人勞動權益網-勞動部勞動力發展署 跳到主要內容區塊


起始活動日期:2017/08/20 終止活動日期:2017/12/15
活動訊息:I get to decide how I am going to enjoy my holiday!


The Department of Labor, Taoyuan City Government activates the Southeast Asian migrant worker participatory budgeting. This is the first time in Taiwan that this type of plan is initiated. We let Southeast Asian migrant workers decide on the public budget for leisure. We propose, discuss, review and vote on the plans. We decide on the budget and design a plan that meets their needs. This plan allows a number of citizens to join us. We expect to get in touch with Southeast Asian migrant workers through these activities. We and these workers can use this opportunity to understand and admire the common and different part of cultures, break through cultural barriers and facilitate interaction. We have held two information sessions on Sun., Aug. 20th and 27th. We invite Southeast Asian migrant workers in Taoyuan and citizens of Taoyuan to join the proposal workshop. We invite everyone to brainstorm with us to propose leisure plans! Information on workshop and following activities is as follows: (1) The proposal workshop is held at Rich-Fortune Plaza near the back side of Taoyuan Train Station (No 83. Dalin Road, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District ). We discuss in groups on proposals. Migrant workers and citizens can express opinions and confirm the proposals. The first seminar was held on Sun., Sep. 17th at 10:00-16:00. The second one will be held on Sun., Oct. 1st at 10:00-16:00. (2) We let everyone read the proposals and vote on them. Proposals created in workshops will be viewed in public and voted on from the end of October to the beginning of November, 2017. (3) Taoyuan City Government will carry out the proposals that attract the most votes in 2018. Go to the Facebook page of “2017 Taoyuan Migrant Worker Participatory Budgeting for Leisure” for more information. Now is the time! Don’t wait any longer.
